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Red-billed Pigeon Identification

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Large dark pigeon. Body and wings mostly bluish-gray with maroon-colored neck and shoulders. Note red bill with pale yellowish tip. Immature paler grayish without maroon tones. Common from Mexico to Costa Rica, mainly in lowlands and foothills. Barely enters the U.S. in Rio Grande Valley of south Texas. Typically seen in pairs or small flocks, often perched conspicuously in a variety of habitats, including open forests, patchy farmland, and mangroves. Tends to be fairly shy. Separated from other pigeons in Middle America by large size, bill pattern, and dark tail and undertail coverts. Listen for low cooing song: “whoo, whoop-a-whoo.”

Relative Size

About the same size as a Rock Pigeon.

Size chart showing sparrow to goose sizedbetween robin and crow


  • Both Sexes
    • Length: 11.8-14.6 in (30-37 cm)
    • Weight: 8.8 oz (250 g)