Eurasian Collared-Dove Similar Species Comparison
Main SpeciesEurasian Collared-Dove
Adult (Eurasian)
Fairly large dove with small head and long, square-tipped tail. Upperparts mostly sandy brown with a black crescent on the back of the neck.
© Jim Merritt / Macaulay LibraryColorado, February 11, 2020Adult (Eurasian)
Fairly large dove with small head and thin, dark bill. Head and underparts are pale, almost frosty brown. Black collar on back of neck.
© Paul Fenwick / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, April 09, 2017Adult (Eurasian)
Fairly large dove with pale underparts, gray undertail coverts, and broad white band at tip of tail.
© Jesse Amesbury / Macaulay LibraryIdaho, January 13, 2017Adult (Eurasian)
Note dark primaries (wingtips). Native to Eurasia but introduced to Florida, where it spread rapidly across North America beginning in the 1990s.
© Santiago Caballero Carrera / Macaulay LibraryAndalucía, September 19, 2019Adult (Eurasian)
Often found in small groups in residential areas. Note square-tipped tail, black collar at back of neck, and plain, unmarked face.
© Sylvia Maulding / Macaulay LibraryOregon, April 07, 2017Flock (Eurasian)
Often seen in flocks in residential or developed areas. White band at end of tail is best seen from below.
© Bernardo Alps / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, February 17, 2017Similar SpeciesMourning Dove
Mourning Doves are smaller and richer brown than Eurasian Collared-Doves, with a pointed tail and black spots on the back. Mourning Doves lack a black half-collar on the neck.
© Ryan Schain / Macaulay LibraryMassachusetts, April 08, 2014Similar SpeciesWhite-winged Dove
White-winged Dove has large white patches on the wings, visible even when the wing is folded. It lacks the black neck crescent and white-tipped tail of Eurasian Collared-Dove.
© Ted Bradford / Macaulay LibraryMassachusetts, December 12, 2016Similar SpeciesAfrican Collared-Dove
African Collared-Doves are very rare in continental North America. They have white undertail coverts and wingtips that are only slightly darker than the wing and back. Eurasian Collared-Doves are gray under the tail, with dark gray wingtips.
© Ted Floyd / Macaulay LibraryColorado, March 25, 2016Compare with Similar Species
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Species in This Family
Pigeons and Doves(Order: Columbiformes, Family: Columbidae)
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