White-eared Hummingbird Similar Species Comparison
Main SpeciesWhite-eared Hummingbird
A medium-sized hummingbird with a dark head, prominent white stripe extending downward from the back of the eye, greenish upperparts, and a medium-length, slightly curved bill. Male has a bright red bill with a black tip and a head that often appears blackish depending on the lighting.
© Dorian Anderson / Macaulay LibraryIntibucá, June 08, 2018Female
Female has a white “ear stripe” on a dark face, a brownish cap, whitish underparts with green spots, and a darker bill with limited red.
© John van Dort / Macaulay LibraryFrancisco Morazán, June 23, 2018Male
A medium-sized hummingbird with a dark head and a bold white stripe extending downward behind the eye. Male has a bright red bill with a black tip and a head that often appears blackish.
© John van Dort / Macaulay LibraryFrancisco Morazán, September 17, 2014Male
In good light, male’s forehead and chin are a brilliant purple and the throat is an iridescent green. Lower underparts are whitish with heavy green scaling.
© Dorian Anderson / Macaulay LibraryIntibucá, June 08, 2018Female
In all plumages, the bold white “ear stripe” contrasts with a dark head.
© Rebecca Hansen / Macaulay LibraryIntibucá, January 17, 2018Male
In the right light, the area around a male’s red bill turns a spectacular violet and the throat lights up in iridescent green.
© Bryan Calk / Macaulay LibraryArizona, August 17, 2023Immature male
Immature male is similar to female (note brownish crown), but also shows some adult male traits (red base to bill and some iridescent feathers on throat).
© Shailesh Pinto / Macaulay LibraryArizona, August 24, 2020Male
Upperparts are coppery green with some cinnamon edging near the rump.
© Dorian Anderson / Macaulay LibraryIntibucá, June 08, 2018Male
Feeds mainly on nectar; also eats some insects.
© Ligia y Carlos Marroquín Pimentel / Macaulay LibraryGuatemala, November 01, 2021Male
Seen from below, the white “ear stripe” is less obvious, but note this male’s dark purplish forehead and chin, green throat, whitish underparts with heavy green speckling, and red bill with a black tip and broad base.
© John van Dort / Macaulay LibraryFrancisco Morazán, September 25, 2015Male
Common in mountain pine-oak, oak, and pine-evergreen forests from northern Mexico to northern Nicaragua.
© Lynne Hertzog / Macaulay LibrarySanta Bárbara, November 03, 2016Male
An uncommon but regular visitor to southeastern Arizona, where it often is seen at hummingbird feeders.
© Graham Deese / Macaulay LibraryArizona, June 08, 2024Male
Feeds mainly on nectar and also eats some small insects.
© Ana Paula Oxom / Macaulay LibraryHuehuetenango, September 02, 2018Similar SpeciesBroad-billed Hummingbird
Female Broad-billed Hummingbird has a paler dark patch through the eye; a duller white, less conspicuous “ear stripe;” a greener crown; and a longer bill than female White-eared Hummingbird.
© Grigory Heaton / Macaulay LibraryArizona, July 09, 2022Don't miss a thing! Join our email list
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