Dovekie Similar Species Comparison
Main SpeciesDovekie
Nonbreeding adult/immature
A small, chunky black-and-white bird. Appears rather tailless with no neck. Nonbreeding birds have a white throat and ear patch.
© Rob Edsall / Macaulay LibraryNova Scotia, January 17, 2021Breeding adult
Breeds in rocky terrain along high arctic coasts. Stocky with a no-neck look and a compact bill. Black above and white below.
© Christoph Moning / Macaulay LibrarySvalbard, June 14, 2015Nonbreeding adult/immature
Short-tailed and short-necked pelagic bird. Often sits low in the water. Nonbreeding birds have a white throat and ear patch.
© Susan Wellington / Macaulay LibraryMassachusetts, January 21, 2018Nonbreeding adult/immature
Flight is rapid and insectlike. Body looks like a football in flight.
© Peter Flood / Macaulay LibraryNorth Carolina, February 16, 2020Similar SpeciesRazorbill
Razorbills are nearly twice the size of Dovekies and have a much longer and thicker bill.
© Ryan Schain / Macaulay LibraryMassachusetts, December 16, 2011Similar SpeciesCommon Murre
Common Murres are nearly twice the size of Dovekies and they have a much longer bill.
© Oscar Johnson / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, December 29, 2014Similar SpeciesMarbled Murrelet
Marbled Murrelets have longer and more slender bills than Dovekies. Also, the range of Marbled Murrelet does not overlap with Dovekie.
© Ryan O'Donnell / Macaulay LibraryWashington, December 28, 2016Don't miss a thing! Join our email list
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