Rose-throated BecardPachyramphus aglaiae
- ORDER: Passeriformes
- FAMILY: Tityridae
Basic Description
Rose-throated Becards are small, stocky birds with large heads and strong bills that sit quietly in tropical forest canopies hunting for insects and small fruits. Males are slaty gray, with a dark cap and usually a bright pink throat (some males from wetter regions lack the pink highlight). Females are gray to brown with a prominent black, gray, or rusty crown. Rose-throated Becards have a short, sliding, two-noted song, though they are quiet much of the time. Their nest is a large, disheveled dome that hangs from the end of a small branch.
More ID InfoOther Names
- Anambé Degollado (Spanish)
- Bécarde à gorge rose (French)